

Cloudflare Workers

A library for instrumenting Cloudflare Workers with OpenTelemetry. It supports auto-instrumentation for many of the available bindings.

What is it?

A library for instrumenting Cloudflare Workers with OpenTelemetry. It supports auto-instrumentation for many of the available bindings.


Cloudflare Workers are a great way to run serverless functions at the edge. They are fast, cheap, and easy to deploy. However, they are also somewhat of a black box. You can’t see what’s going on inside them. This makes it hard to debug issues or understand how your application is performing.

The Solution

OpenTelemetry is a vendor-neutral, open specification for collecting telemetry data from your applications. It provides a standard way to instrument your code and send data to a variety of backends. This makes it easy to get visibility into your application without having to change any code.
